Find out what happen to your hard drives. In real time. Normally, the hard disk errors happen unexpectedly. How much would the hard disk information loss cost you? Your documents, family photos and music? How do you know if your hard disk drive is fit and healthy or is your hard drive is slow and the disk space is low?
Install ActiveSMART and it will take care about your hard drives and all your data on your disk. It checks the hard drive health and status, runs background diagnostic, monitors disk temperature, checks your free and used disk space and many more. And it will immediately warns you about any problem with your hard disks. Even potential problems, because it uses special algorithms to estimate failures.
Easy trace the disk space usage on your PC/notebook with disk space analyzer
Another powerful feature of ActiveSMART – Disk Space Usage Analyzer. It quickly scans the hard drive and show a graphical overview of disk space usage, using TreeMap technology. Now you can see how files and folders use the disk space and which of them are space wasters. Easily find out which files and directories using up all your hard drive space. Discover where all your disk space is going with built in folder size utility.
Automatic disk check-up and hdd temperature monitor
Active SMART supports automatic disk check-up on system loading, constant tracking of the disks state with an interval varying from 1 minute to 99 hours, as well as performing a quick scan of the disks, in order to save the resources of the weaker machines.
Emergency system shutdown in case of hard drive overheating
Active SMART will suspend (using Hibernate mode) your PC automatically if the hard drive becomes too hot. This saves your important data and prevents the hard drive possible failure.
And even more features included
- Secure file shredder using military grade algorithms allows deleting files and folders without any traces.
- See at a glance Performance, Health, Temperature and Free Space of all your hard drives.
- Check the hard drive age.
- Check amount of bad and reallocated blocks on the hard drives.
- See if the disk has unstable sectors that going to fail.
- S.M.A.R.T. attributes and hard drive temperature lifetime chart.
- Email notifications about hard drive status and more features.
ActiveSMART not only the harddrive tester, but constantly monitors the disk status using S.M.A.R.T. system and various diagnostic algorithms.
Find out what’s using up all your hard drive space in just one click. Built-it disk audit tool shows all files and folders and disk space they are using. Powerful folder size utility built in. Monitoring the hard drive space is never been so easy.
Built-in file and folders shredder tool wipes files and folders permanently using special, industry grade file shredding algorithms. ActiveSMART enables you to securely erase your sensitive data.
Prevent your hard drives overheating using built-in Hard Drive Temperature Monitor. Flexible disk temperature alarms, temperature history and current disk temperature included.
ActiveSMART is carefully optimized to use as low as possible resources on laptops. Special energy saving mode is automatically activated when notebook is running on battery.
ActiveSMART supports wide range of internal and external hard drives – internal and external ATA and SATA drives, Solid State Drives (SSD), and NAND drives connected internally or via USB.