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A Team-FTU project!
Empowering investigators, detectives, frontline officers, and first responders to :
• Convert and play videos from proprietary CCTV/DVR formats, body worn, dash cam, mobile phones, covert video, drones, social media and more
• Apply quick enhancements to images
• Redact and annotate images for investigations and media release
Amped Replay is an enhanced video player that allows police investigators, detectives, frontline officers, and first responders to conduct a first-level analysis of their video evidence, bridging the gap between a player and a forensic analysis suite. It empowers investigators to view their video footage quickly and expedite their case, ruling out what is and isn’t pertinent footage in the first instance.
Its sleek and easy-to-use interface means no advanced skills are required to achieve a professional result in the presentation of video evidence. It includes Amped Software’s powerful CCTV video conversion engine to play and view video without the need for other non-compatible, legacy, or proprietary player software, cutting down on the time it takes to experiment with proprietary CCTV players. Amped Replay allows for the exporting of video and images in playable formats and includes the ability to generate a report ideal for case building and disclosure.
Amped Replay also provides basic correction, redaction, and annotation tools to allow police investigators to clarify details and present professional and polished results, whether they are being used as part of a case, forwarded to another unit or intelligence analyst or sent to the media for identification.
With this innovative solution, officers no longer need to rely on office hours and the availability of experts in the forensic video lab to perform basic tasks such as converting videos, now allowing those experts to work on more complex processing tasks.
CCTV and video link in to the “golden hour” principle of evidence collection alongside traditional forensics, witness statements and physical evidence gathering. It can be one of the more impactful forms of evidence and oftentimes the only source of evidence in a case. It’s the first port of call for any investigator building a case. Time is often crucial and the quicker an investigator can obtain and view footage the better.
This means that the first pieces of evidence could be video and an investigator will want to view it quickly in order to progress with any further lines of enquiry – not always possible with proprietary formats that require some processing before they are played and a lot of scientific support units will only work office hours, resulting in lengthy delays in the viewing of potentially crucial video evidence.
Video can often be an integral part of gathering intelligence and building a bigger picture of policing priorities. The varied amount of video formats means playing relevant footage can be difficult, resulting in potential intelligence being missed or discarded.
Amped Replay empowers investigators to view their video footage quickly and expedite their case, ruling out what is and isn’t pertinent footage in the first instance, cutting down on the time it takes to experiment with proprietary CCTV players. Drag and drop the footage into Amped Replay and it is ready to view.
Basic enhancement and annotation features give investigators a way to triage video footage, clarify details and present professional and polished results, whether they are being used as part of a case, forwarded to another unit or intelligence analyst or sent to the media for identification.
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