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Language: Multi
Treatment: not required (the installer is already treated)
Author of assembly: D! Akov
System requirements
The processor with a clock speed of 1.3 GHz and higher
Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3 (32-bit) or Service Pack 2 (64-bit); Windows Server® 2003 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit versions); Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit versions)
512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
1.85 GB of free hard disk space
Screen resolution 1024x768
Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10; Firefox Extended Support Release; Chrome
Video hardware acceleration (optional)
Adobe® Acrobat® XI Pro is not just a popular PDF converter. It contains many intelligent functions that provide additional opportunities for interaction. Easy, fast, professional. Combine a wide range of content including documents, spreadsheets, e-mail, images, video, 3D graphics and maps in one compressed and structured PDF Portfolio. Collaborate when reviewing documents that are shared. Create interactive forms and quickly collect data. Protection and control of valuable information. Advanced functions Acrobat for users of Adobe Reader® software.
Additional Information
Evaluate the effectiveness of Adobe® Acrobat® Dynamic PDF technology to create and share PDF files of a new generation. Work together with colleagues, customers and partners through the use of electronic document review sessions, PDF forms filled in and Acrobat.com services. Combine different types of files in one perfectly organized professional PDF portfolio. Set passwords and permissions to protect documents. Increase the attractiveness of documents with the help of multifunctional content.
New opportunities
Editing text and images. Easily make small changes to PDF files - as well as in other applications - thanks to a new interface that you can use with your mouse.
Convert PDF files to PowerPoint format. Accelerated work on new projects by saving a PDF file as a PowerPoint presentation with support for all editing functions.
Create new PDF and web forms. Use professional templates or create projects from scratch using the Adobe FormsCentral application provided with Acrobat XI Pro.
Standardization of daily operations with PDF format (improved). Now users can create consistent PDF files. You can direct users through a sequence of operations created using the "Operations Wizard".
Main functions
Convert and scan to a PDF file. It does not matter what kind of content is converted or scanned into PDF format - paper documents, emails, photos, spreadsheets, websites, videos compatible with Adobe® Flash® Player, or other types of content - all work is easily accomplished using software provide Adobe Acrobat® X. Create and share PDF files that you can view on mobile devices and smartphones.
Export and edit PDF files. Easily edit PDF documents and export them to Word and Excel. Now you do not need to enter data from the keyboard each time, you can reuse the ready-made content. Use Acrobat X to reduce errors, improve productivity and shorten project development time.
Combine files from multiple applications. You no longer need to send a large number of emails with multiple attachments. Create professional PDF files that are easy to send, open and view.
Improved productivity and consistency of work. Use innovative productivity improvement features to simplify complex processes, prepare and display high-quality content and achieve good results.
Optimized review of documents online. Effectively collect feedback from colleagues and customers and reduce the time spent on approving projects. Use the means of joint online review and commenting of PDF documents to simplify the joint work on the project.
Data collection with PDF forms. Easily create, distribute and track convenient interactive PDF forms, similar to "paper" - you do not need the help of the IT department.
Protect PDF files and documents. Easy-to-use security features allow you to protect sensitive information. Passwords, digital signatures and patch functions enable reliable electronic processes to be implemented.
Compliance with PDF standards and support for advanced access. Ensure compliance with corporate, regional and state standards, and add opportunities for enhanced access for use by people with disabilities.
Read PDF files, search for them and share files. With the free Adobe® Reader® software, give all users the ability to view, print, and search PDF files. Work on PDF files with colleagues and customers - even if you use different file formats, platforms, browsers and devices.
Features of assembly:
Type: installation.
Languages: ML.
Cut: nothing.
Activation: conducted.
• Quiet installation / S
• You can also select the directory to install: After all keys, add / D =% path% Example: setup_file.exe / S / D = C: \ Program
Note !!! When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to change the browser home page. Do not forget to remove the check mark.
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