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║ Θ RELEASE NOTES ║█████████│██│██┌┘ └┐██└┤██│ │█████████│
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ ALBUM ARTIST : Adamski ║
║ TITLE : LiveAnDirect ║
║ TRACKS : 13 ║
║ RELEASE DATE : 1990 ║
║ FORMAT : FLAC, Single tracks, seamless ║
║ RATING : You be the judge! ║
║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ Adamski, or Adam Tinley, to his mum was one of the very first ║
║ pioneers of the style of English dance music that went on to become ║
║ known as rave. In 1988 and 1989 he was doing the rounds as a live PA ║
║ in various venues across Ibiza (which was just making itself known ║
║ as a haven for all night dance parties) as well as on the emerging ║
║ illegal rave circuit in the UK. The M25 raves, so called as they ║
║ generally took place within close proximity to our infamous London ║
║ circular in any given direction, were starting to become known to ║
║ the general public at this point, and so too major labels were also ║
║ pricking up their ears to the sounds' potential in terms of shifting ║
║ units (in this case RCA). ║
║ ║
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║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
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║ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ║
║ CD1 ║
║ ║
║ 101 Adamski - N-R-G, Pts. 1 & 2 ║
║ 102 Adamski - I Dream of You ║
║ 103 Adamski - Tekno Krisna ║
║ 104 Adamski - The Bassline Changed My Life ║
║ 105 Adamski - In Your Face ║
║ 106 Adamski - Magik Piano ║
║ 107 Adamski - You. Me. House ║
║ 108 Adamski - A Brand New World ║
║ 109 Adamski - M25 ║
║ 110 Adamski - I Love Teknology, Pt. 1 ) ║
║ 111 Adamski - Rap You in Sound ║
║ 112 Adamski - Into Orbit ║
║ 113 Adamski - Love and Life ║
║ ║
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║ ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════╣
║ Altered State was old cross-continent project started in 2000, and ║
║ resurrected 14 years later. Hat's off to the other members... . ║
║ Released for enjoyment, not for kudos. ║
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║ 22/08/2014 ║
Please Keep it For Continue Seeding and Help Others To Get Download