This collection of poker strategy Ebooks include:
Ace on the River - An Advanced Poker Guide (Barry Greenstein -0972044221)
Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies For Full-Scale Poker (D. Billings)
Bluffing Beyond Poker (Johannes Horner, Nicolas Sahuguet)
Body Language (How to read others' thoughts by their gestures) - (Allan Pease - 095936580X)
Caro's Book of Poker Tells (Mike Caro - 1580420826)
Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold'em (T.J. Cloutier & Tom McEvoy - 158042127X)
Collection of Shorthanded Limit Hold'em Poker Articles
Doyle Brunson's Super System 2 - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson - 1580421369)
Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course in Power Poker (Doyle Brunson - 1580420818)
Effective Short Term Opponent Exploitation in Simplified Poker (B Hoehn, F. Southey & R.C. Holte)
First Step Poker (William T. Love)
Full Tilt Poker - Tips from the Pros #01-#80
Game Theory and AI - A Unified Approach To Poker Games (Thesis) (Frans Oliehoek)
Harrington on Hold'em (Volume 2; The Endgame) (Dan Harrington - 1880685353)
Harrington on Hold'em (Volume 3; The Workbook) (Dan Harrington - 1880685361)
Hold'em Poker for Advanced Players (David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth - 1880685221)
Insider Secrets to Playing Texas Hold'em Poker Online (Theo Cage)
Internet Texas Hold'em Winning Strategies From An Internet Pro (Matthew Hilger - 0974150207)
Introduction to Probability (Charles M. Grinstead & J. Laurie Snell - 0821807498)
Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated 3rd ed - (K. Lindsay, et al WW - 0849337917)
No Limit Hold'em Theory and Practice (David Sklansky, Ed Miller - 188068537X)
No Limit Hold'em Secrets (Roy Rounder)
Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker for Beginners (August O' Meara)
Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Phil Gordon - 1416903674)
Play Poker like the Pros (Phil Hellmuth - 0060005726)
Playing Texas Hold'em Online - The Professional's Guide (A.J. Mills)
Poker - A Guaranteed Income for Life (Frank R. Wallace - 0446974552)
Poker for Dummies (Richard D. Harroch & Lou Krieger - 0764552325)
Probability-The solutions to the odd numbered exercises
Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth - 1880685329)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Verbal Self-Defense (Lillian J. Glass - 0028627415)
The Education Of A Poker Player (Herbert Osborne Yardley - 1843440016)
The Intelligent Guide To Texas Hold'em Poker (Sam Braids - 0967755123)
The Mathematics of Gambling (Edward O. Thorpe - 0897460197)
The Theory of Poker (Seventh printing, Complete) (David Sklansky)
Tournament Tactics (Roy Rounder)
Winning Low Limit Hold'em (Lee Jones - 1886070237)
Winning Secrets of Online Poker (Douglas W. Frye & Curtis D. Frye - 1592007112)