Home - Deep Blue Something [1995]
Amazon.com - Sounding like a final nail in the coffin of the grunge revolution, Deep Blue Something's major-label debut is a study in easy melodic upliftment. Rather than overpowering the listener, the songs ride waves of jangly, alterna-rock guitars and quaint, positive sentiments, settling themselves in the deep recesses of the mind, like nuggets of caramel still stuck between one's teeth long after the candy has been digested. And just like the caramel, songs like the hit single "Breakfast At Tiffany's" remain sweet long after all other flavour has been lost.
Though bassist/vocalist Todd Pipes claims that "Kiss was the reason [he] started playing rock", the roots of this north Texas quartet are indisputably ground inthe British and Amer-indie guitar pop of the '80s. The lilting instrumental opener, "Gammar Gerten's Needle", has late-period Cure written all over it; "Halo" exists in the uncommon ground once occupied by The Fixx and OMD, but with an ever-present, effervescent acoustic guitar hushing the gloom away; and "Done" harkens back to the simple, bass-driven cerebralism of Wire Train. Each is built on a proven pop aesthetic that, given the mid-'90s musical climate, is quite singular.
In its lyrical intelligence HOME also finds kinship with such current alterno-popsters as Michael Penn and Live. Invoking figures like modernist painter Vassily Kandinsky andprominent 20th Century works like the Blake Edwards film BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S in enlightened boy-girl tales, Deep Blue Something prove that the same ol' song topics need not result in the same ol' songs.
Track Listings
[01] Gammer Gerten's Needle
[02] Breakfast At Tiffany's
[03] Hale
[04] Josey
[05] A Water Prayer
[06] Done
[07] Song To Make Love To
[08] The Kandinsky Prince
[09] Home
[10] Red Light
[11] I Can Wait
[12] Wouldn't Change A Thing
Total Mp3 Play Time ---> 00h:42m:14s
Total File Size ---> 106mb (Including Mp3s, Art Covers & WorDoc)
Total Bit Size ---> 320kbps
Music File Type ---> I-Tunes v9.0.0.70 Mp3 Format
Music video Format ---> N / A
Scanned Artwork ---> Yes @ 300dpi
Original CD Rip ---> Yes - only1joe
Original Uploader ---> Yes - only1joe
Upload Speed ---> 33-35KB/s
Music Genre ---> Pop
Originally Released ---> 13 June 1995
Record Company ---> Interscope Records BMG
Artist Website --->
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